Function verifyDisclosedAttributes

  • Used to verify the hash list based proof over the set of disclosed attributes in a Claim.


    • claim: PartialClaim

      Full or partial IClaim to verify proof against.

    • proof: {
          hashes: string[];
          nonces: Record<string, string>;

      Proof consisting of a map that matches nonces to statement digests and the resulting hashes.

      • hashes: string[]

        Array containing hashes which are signed into the credential. Should result from feeding statement digests and nonces in proof.nonce to options.hasher.

      • nonces: Record<string, string>

        A map where a statement digest as produces by options.hasher is mapped to a nonce.

    • options: Pick<HashingOptions, "hasher"> & {
          canonicalisation?: ((claim: PartialClaim) => string[]);
      } = {}

      Object containing optional parameters.

    Returns void